East Asia started to reopen the borders!

Gepubliceerd op 16 maart 2022 om 12:16

There was big news from South Korea on 11 March!


The South Korean government has announced that starting April 1, all visitors to South Korea who have completed their COVID-19 vaccinations will be exempt from mandatory quarantine. 


Finally, East Asia is getting ready to reopen! 


At the same time, Japan also had some movements.  


From March 1st, the Government of Japan has allowed foreigners ( students and business travellers) to enter the country (excluding tourism purposes). Currently, the maximum number of immigrants per day is about 7,000 which is a big step for Japan!


South Korean and Japan have started reopening their countries!!


In Taiwan there is still very low infection rate, and vaccination rates are very high. 


When will Taiwan be reopened? 

CECC (The Central Epidemic Command Center)head Chen Shih-chung (陳時中) said decisions about this it will be taken in April.


Therefore, travel companies hope Taiwan will reopen to foreign tourists as soon as possible. 


Chen Xiuxi, the professor of public health at National Taiwan University, suggested that in May Taiwan should try to open the border for European tourists. 


Professor Chen explained that due to the outbreak of the epidemic in Europe, the natural infection rate alone exceeded 40%, and it is more likely to reach 60% to 70% in May. 

With the popularisation of vaccination, European herd immunity can be as high as 70% to 90%. 


That is the reason Professor Chen suggested to open the border for Europeans first. 

And that sounds very positive for European travellers! 

(All Photo’s courtesy of the Taiwan Tourism Bureau)

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