What is your biggest worry when traveling?

Gepubliceerd op 28 maart 2022 om 12:34

What is your biggest worry when traveling?


Probably quite some people will say: The language!


Indeed, in Europe you can speak English almost everywhere.

Even you could communicate using your own language in your neighbour countries.
I was really surprised when I heard my mother in-law speaking Dutch to a German in Germany, but they did understand each other!


When you travel in far East Asia, for sure is that you could not speak your own language to communicate with local people!


In Japan, many people are very shy and reluctant to speak English with you…
But Japanese are very friendly and they'll try to help you if you get lost.


In Taiwan it is different, people are not so shy as Japanese, they will try to use all English words they know to talk with you.


In 2014, the Taiwanese government made a very challenging decision.


That is Taiwanese officials have been drafting plans to make Taiwan into a Mandarin-English bilingual nation! Their goal is achieve this plan in 2030!


Surprisingly, more than 70% of Taiwanese support the plan!
No matter whether this plan can be fully achieved, it is certain that English is very important in Taiwanese consciousness.


Recently many English YouTube vlogs have been published on how easy it is to communicate with Taiwanese in English. Some regions even have English-Friendly shops where they can help you in English.


If you are concerned with language when traveling in East Asia, probably Taiwan is a fine choice!


(All Photo’s courtesy of the Taiwan Tourism Bureau)

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