Combination trip of Taiwan and Japan

Gepubliceerd op 31 mei 2022 om 11:06

Since Russia started the war, many flights from Europe to Asia have had to be rerouted and now take longer flight times…the travel industry is facing unprecedented challenges again!

Probably, for some more time to come, travellers to Japan have to forget about the original northern routes through the Siberian sky…

There are alternative options like the western route via USA, flying over half the earth to Japan….or through Southern Europe, the Middle East, and then through Southeast Asia to Japan.


The most interesting option is to travel via Taiwan to Japan, indeed Taiwan could be a perfect place for a stopover!
No need for extra traveling time, one trip with 2 different cultural experiences, it is a perfect choice!


What can you do in Taiwan?

Unique history & Rich Culture: more than 470 museums
Beautiful Nature: 9 National Parks
Diverse cuisine:Chinese, Japanese, Westerns, Vegetarian Paradise
Child-friendly: Kids Awesome Museum, Taipei zoo, theme parks


How can you travel from Taiwan to Japan?

There are around 8 airlines flying daily from Taiwan to Japan.
The flight schedule is more like a bus schedule, every hour or even half an hour there is at least 1 flight departure.


How long does the flight from Taiwan to Japan take?

Taipei to Tokyo: 3hours 15mins
Taipei to Osaka : 2hours 45mins


What is the best travel length for a combination trip of Taiwan and Japan?

3 weeks will be perfect!
1 week in Taiwan, 2 weeks in Japan

Get your tailor-made travel advice from East Asia specialist CN Bridge travel solutions!
We look forward to receiving your questions and requests.


As the saying goes, every cloud has a silver lining.

Sometimes when you take a different step, you will see unexpectedly beautiful scenery.


(Courtesy of the Taiwan Tourism Bureau)

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