Gourmet travel in Japan

Gepubliceerd op 15 juni 2022 om 21:08

These days everybody knows some Japanese food, like Sushi, Sashimi, Kobe beef, Ramen, Tempura…


The images of Japanese food are: 






In fact, authentic Japanese food is not limited to the dishes you can see in luxury Japanese restaurants in Europe.


 In Japan, people love Gourmet travel. You can find so many Gourmet travel vlogs and blogs from social media. 


What is Gourmet Travel in Japan? 


It is a trip with the real thrill of expanding the range of gourmet food, by enjoying delicious local or regional dishes.


Which kind of foods? 


Japan is an island country surrounded by sea, and seafood is definitely the most abundant food. However, Japanese delicacies are not limited to seafood, there are also meat and vegetables. 

Such as : 

            Kobe beef 

            Shinshu soba

            Kyotofu (Kyoto tofu)

            Hakata ramen

            Hiroshima Okonomiyaki


Did you notice the names of the dishes are mentioned with the location name? 

Yes, because in Japan people say different water makes special taste for food, so copying the recipe does not make any sense. And this is the reason Japanese travel around the country for Gourmet.   


Is water really that magical? 

Is Kyotofu really different from the rest?



It is just like Scottish water, known for making fine whisky, which is famous for mysterious reasons. 


The main ingredients of tofu are soybeans and water.


Kyoto is located in a basin surrounded by mountains, has high-quality groundwater and the best soybeans, which is also the secret of their ability to make delicious tofu.


The Japanese name Kyoto tofu as Kyotofu because in other places it is impossible to make tofu with the same taste.


How can I find the local Gourmet in Japan? 


There is much online information, clarified by province and city or town, but unfortunately only in Japanese language…


The best way is to ask the staff of the hotel where you are staying.  

And, of course you could also ask us for advice as well. 


How much does a lunch or dinner cost in Japan? 


Most people have the impression of high consumer prices in Japan, but it is actually cheaper to eat out in Japan compared to the Netherlands.


Ramen/Donburi canteen: lunch around 6€, dinner same price as lunch. 

Mid-level restaurants: lunch around 8€,  Dinner from around 15-20€.

Luxury Japanese restaurant: lunch from around 40€, Dinner from around 80€


Japan is a true Gourmet paradise, and food is the most memorable part of travel, isn't it? 


(Courtesy of Japan National Tourism Organisation)

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